Friday, May 2, 2008

The Nintendo Wii Is Changing History

Wii signifies "we", which is essentially what the game is in relation to. It includes the gathering of friends to play Legends of Zelda or two boxing fans playing to beat each other with punches and jabs.

However, Wii is in actual fact changing history, particularly in how the interaction is defined when it comes to multiplayer and one-on-one games. A trend in the market is also being set by it, which is scaring off a number of Nintendo's major competitors, such as Sony and Microsoft.

There was a time frame of two years before the design engineers could completely draw a close to the entire look and feel of Wii. All of the major markets across the nation were covered, Nintendo were ready to release the first consignments of Wii to Oceania, Europe, South America and Asia.

The release dates and prices had already been scheduled. However, it is in great demand across the world, even before its actual release date. A colossal shortage was experienced by the United Kingdom when Wii consoles finally came on December 8, 2006.

This is because the demands of pre-orders could not be met. Even high-end technology stores did not have a great deal to satisfy the appetite of gamers for this world-shattering gaming console. In around June 2007, the United States also had a shortage to the demand, which left them experiencing precisely the same dilemma.

The Real Boon for Nintendo

Great fortune is certainly found in Wii by the Japanese company Nintendo. From the time of commencement in the market until now, sales have rocketed, which have even beaten its rivals such as Playstation 3, which has been experiencing a great amount of technical problems, and Xbox 360.

One of the largest research companies in the world, NPD Group, released a report enlightening that Nintendo Wii exceeded, by great quantities, the combined sales of Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 during the first six months of 2007.

During the time of September 2007, Wii was gaining momentum over Xbox 360, which was launched in 2006. Xbox 360 was the former leading brand of games console in the world before Wii came into play. Nintendo Wii has also proven to be the fastest selling handheld games console in Australia's entire gaming history.

Managing Its Production Costs

One of Nintendo's secret weapons that they undertook to ensure that they made sales of the product, was to reduce their production costs. By doing this, they extended their profit margin. Therefore, every Wii unit that was sold in Japan only gave the company a return of almost $15. This is more than twofold when speaking about the sales that were achieved in Europe and the United States.

It's All In The Console

But the most impressive part of history of Wii is that it has the facility to provide the game players with various levels of playing experience. No joysticks are included, which are necessary to learn how to use before the player can fully appreciate the game.

Simple maneuvers of the hands are all that is required. You are certain to have fun with sword slashing, arm wrestling, mountain climbing, and even a simple game of fishing.

Nobody knows what is next to come to Wii. However, there is one thing for certain, and that is that it will continue to revolutionize the gaming world and, in fact, history.

Luke Beckham has been hooked on the Nintendo Wii since it's launch, and being a big fan of the Wii came with a nice big price tag as well. Games can get expensive, so be sure to check out how Luke was able to save hundreds of dollars by downloading Wii games online.

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